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Where business and personal growth meet:
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These are lessons I picked up quick or learned the hard way, but they are must-knows for new entrepreneurs and great reminders for those of us that have played this game for a while.

Personalized Gut Health and Building 7-Figure Businesses

Personalized Gut Health and Building 7-Figure Businesses

Gut health is at the core of our overall health and sometimes it’s hard to find the right solutions for you. GutPersonal founder Bridgitte Mallinson set out to do just that - give you the personalized solutions you need in a product, with the care and community feel of a service-based company. In this episode Bridgitte is sharing her best tips for a healthy gut, how to take that first step in finding the right solutions for you, and her experience with building 2 different companies (both service and product based) to 7 figures in only 16 months.

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Bridgitte Mallinson on Gut Health, Finding What’s Right for You, and Building 7-Figure Companies


  • How Bridgitte used her own health journey to create a business with a mission and how that led her to create 2 businesses each with 7 figures in revenue
  • The similarities and differences of running a service-based and a product-based businesses and how Bridgitte has navigated both
  • How to build a business based around community
  • The 3 most important things you need to know about gut health and supplements
  • How to find your personalized solution and how to figure out what you actually need instead of just buying something that looks good on the CVS aisle


Bridgitte realized in college that she had a huge passion for nutrition so she became a registered dietician, but was dealing with her own gut health problems at the same time and couldn’t find solutions. She went through grad school with no answers but found functional medicine. When the pandemic hit she realized she wasn’t fulfilled and decided to venture out on her own as a functional medicine dietician with her company Well by Bridgitte.

She grew that company to its first 7 figures in only 16 months and then started business coaching before getting the internal pull again that she was made for more and wanted to create a product-based business that she could sell. In November of 2021, she launched her second company, a supplement company called GutPersonal and repeated her results bringing in 7 figures in only 16 months.

Use code ‘FEMALESONFIRE’ to get 10% off your GutPersonal order!

Find Bridgitte on Instagram @Gut.Personal and @BridgitteMalli

Check out GutPersonal’s Quiz to help point you in the right health direction


What gets her fired up every day: Taking her supplements! Specifically magnesium at night to get more rest and their product The Rescue to get rid of allergies

A book or podcast she loved recently: Creating Money, Attracting Abundance

Her next $10k investment: Either toward adding another team member or to a rebrand - actually deciding on this now thanks to a new investor!

A woman she thinks you should follow: Jess DeRose

Best advice she’s ever been given: Follow your gut intuition. Not enough people actually follow those gut feelings because they’re scared, so follow those scary gut kicks.

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