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Where business and personal growth meet:
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20 Things You Have to Know to Succeed as an Entrepreneur

These are lessons I picked up quick or learned the hard way, but they are must-knows for new entrepreneurs and great reminders for those of us that have played this game for a while.

Biohacking Your Health + How It Can Grow Your Business

Biohacking Your Health + How It Can Grow Your Business

Biohacking might sound like a complicated term, but it's actually the best way to create a holistic plan for your health and wellness. Diet plans and generic workouts aren't usually the answer to helping you feel better, have more energy, and be more productive. For this episode, Dr. Laura DeCesaris is sharing how biohacking is the way to create an individualized wellness plan for yourself, how it helps you create more energy for yourself and avoid burnout, and how it can help you take your business to the next level.

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Dr. Laura DeCesaris on What Biohacking Is and How It Will Improve Your Health and Your Business


  • How Laura left the corporate world, made her way into entrepreneurship, and how her own health journey impacted her business decisions
  • How curiosity breeds confidence and why continuing to stay open minded will provide you with more opportunities
  • What biohacking is and how it’s all about elevating your life and health so you feel better
  • Where to actually start with biohacking and why this first step is crucial to being able to optimize your health and create a plan that works for you
  • How to create your individualized health plan and figure out what works for you
  • How biohacking and learning to elevate your health plan helps you avoid burnout, stay mentally clear, and become more productive
  • How to shift your mindset to help you create more energy


Dr. Laura DeCesaris is a functional medicine health strategist, specializing in women’s health and high performance. Laura works with driven, ambitious women, helping them to rebuild their metabolism so they can experience optimal brain health, body composition, and natural vitality. She takes a female-centric approach to health and wellness, teaching women about their bodies and brains so they can make better decisions for their health and leverage their biochemistry for optimal performance.

Check out Her Wellness Vault

Find Laura on Instagram @Dr.LauraDeCesaris


What gets her fired up every day: Getting outside first thing in the morning before checking her phone or jumping into anything

A book or podcast she loved recently: Powerhouse Women podcast

Her next $10k investment: Put it toward investing in technology to help track hormones in real time

A woman she thinks you should follow: Dr. Megan Daley

Best advice she’s ever been given: Imperfect action is always greater than perfect inaction.

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