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Where business and personal growth meet:
money, marketing, mindset, and wellness in one place

20 Things You Have to Know to Succeed as an Entrepreneur

These are lessons I picked up quick or learned the hard way, but they are must-knows for new entrepreneurs and great reminders for those of us that have played this game for a while.

How to Create Your Unique Method to Get Better Content and Dream Clients

How to Create Your Unique Method to Get Better Content and Dream Clients

We live in a very digital age where many entrepreneurs feel like it's hard to stand out. Business mentor and podcaster Megan Yelaney doesn't feel that way though because she's cracked the code to the approach that gives her easy content ideas that then turn into booking dream clients. For this episode, Megan is sharing the easy steps and tips you can use to figure out your own unique method, and how it can generate new content ideas for your business, give you clarity around your offers, and help you sell more to clients that are a perfect fit for you.

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Megan Yelaney on How to Create Your Unique Method to Get Better Content and Dream Clients


  • Megan’s journey of accidentally falling into business and spending many years getting consistent and pivoting to create the business she’s thriving in now
  • 4 questions to ask yourself to get clarity around your process so you can start to build your method
  • The 4 different types of approaches to a method and how to know which one yours is
  • 3 steps to actually building out your unique method for your offer
  • How to connect the dots with this strategy and actually implement it into your content
  • How to come up with ideas to leverage your unique method in your content


Megan got her start in network marketing back in 2011 and become so much more confident in herself and her wellness through the process. She had actually earned a business degree back in college, so she was always fascinated with business, marketing, and the psychology behind it all. She finally got tired of being in and out of her business and decided to be more consistent. A year and a half later, she was able to quit all her side jobs and go all in.

She married her husband who was very much an entrepreneur too, and started to get the itch that there was more she was meant to do. She joined a group program in 2017, created a health company, and then decided this wasn’t her passion and pivoted to business coaching instead. For the last 5 years, she’s been shifting and expanding what she offers, but is still so passionate about coaching business owners to create their unique method and grow their business.

Take Megan’s Quiz to find out your unique approach

Find Megan on Instagram @MeganYelaney

Listen to the #PrettyAwkward Entrepreneur podcast


What gets her fired up every day: Stretching or going for a walk outside

A book or podcast she loved recently: Stories that Stick by Kindra Hall

Her next $10k investment: Podcast production and adding video to the podcast

A woman she thinks you should follow: Eve Guzman

Best advice she’s ever been given: Don’t sweat the small stuff. It’s sounds corny, but the small stuff you can’t help and have no control over isn’t a big enough deal to worry about.

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leverage other people's podcasts to grow your business?
Our free pitch kit is exactly what you need and even
comes with a pitch template you can use!

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