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Where business and personal growth meet:
money, marketing, mindset, and wellness in one place

20 Things You Have to Know to Succeed as an Entrepreneur

These are lessons I picked up quick or learned the hard way, but they are must-knows for new entrepreneurs and great reminders for those of us that have played this game for a while.

How to Grow with Shopify and Create a Product-based Revenue Stream

How to Grow with Shopify and Create a Product-based Revenue Stream

We talk a lot about service-based business and marketing on the show, but today is something a little bit different! The Shopify queen Sarah Jansel is joining us to talk about product-based businesses and how you can leverage the power of Shopify. Whether you want a full-time product-based business or are just looking to add some digital products to your revenue stream, this episode is giving you all the details on what to know, what to build, and how to use your shop to boost sales.

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Sarah Jansel on How to Grow with Shopify and Create a Product-based Revenue Stream


  • How Sarah stumbled into becoming the Shopify queen and got her start in entrepreneurship
  • The #1 thing you need to know before deciding to start an online or digital shop
  • How to determine what your shop should offer and if it will be valuable to your customers
  • Why Shopify is the best platform to create both physical and digital product shops and how it can help you create even more sales with ease
  • How to make your product shop stand out and what the marketing looks like when you’re usually used to selling services instead
  • Things you may not thinking about with setting up your store that you’ll want to be aware of beforehand
  • The benefits of hiring a Shopify expert to help you get started


Sarah spent 20 years in the corporate world training for her VP position. She had always played with the idea of starting something in entrepreneurship, but never jumped into it. About a year into her VP role at her last corporate company, she was on vacation with her husband and decided that when she got home, she was just going to dive in. She wanted to bring the California boho fashion vibes to Canada, so she started a fashion boutique and ran it for a little over 2 years.

She hired a coach to help her figure things out and scale, but she ended up helping a bunch of her coach’s clients with setting up their store. After a few clients, she knew this was what she was supposed to be doing, so she left her corporate career, and went full in on helping entrepreneurs build their shops and sites on Shopify and Kajabi.

Grab Sarah’s Free Guide for 3 Things Every Awesome Website Needs

Find Sarah on Instagram @SarahJansel

Work with Jansel and Co. to get your shop built and running


What gets her fired up every day: Moving her body

A book or podcast she loved recently: High Vibes with Binu podcast

Her next $10k investment: A client concierge so she can focus more on what clients actually need while they’re still getting full-time attention

A woman she thinks you should follow: Kristina Bartold

Best advice she’s ever been given: There’s no mistake you can make that can’t be undone. Whatever choice you make, you can always make another plan to move forward.

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